Storyflow add-on does not work on Atlassian Stash v2.9.2

Issue #12 new
John Kodumal created an issue

When selecting the issue transitions in stash it does not show any content in it to set the transitions.

Comments (9)

  1. John Kodumal Account Deactivated reporter

    This was originally filed here:

    There appears to be a JS error, according to the original reporter:

    Uncaught Error: bindAll must be passed function names batch.js:166 m.bindAll batch.js:166 Backbone.View.extend.initialize batch.js:2 Z.View batch.js:1882 q batch.js:1882 (anonymous function) batch.js:2 fire batch.js:15 self.fireWith batch.js:15 (anonymous function) batch.js:15 fire batch.js:15 self.fireWith batch.js:15 batch.js:15 fire batch.js:15 self.add batch.js:15 (anonymous function) batch.js:15 fire batch.js:15 self.fireWith batch.js:15 done batch.js:22 callback batch.js:22

  2. Alan Parkinson

    Thank you for the reporting issue. We update this plugin in our free time and we haven't had an opportunity to update it yet.

    Sorry if the Marketplace listing misled anyone into thinking this was compatible, it turns out the Marketplace auto updated the version for latest Stash release. I have now corrected the Marketplace listing.

  3. Aravind Chennuru Account Deactivated

    Is it an open source project? if yes, could you please point me to the resources? At least I could attempt to look at what the problem is? Also, is someone going to look at it and do you know if it would get fixed anytime in the next month?

  4. Jacob Eggers

    I was able to fix the plugin by unzipping the jar and modifying the includes/js/plugin-min.js. I removed the two calls to _.bindAll. The new version of _ requires the function names, but the new version of backbone doesn't require the bindAll in views.

  5. Aravind Chennuru Account Deactivated

    Can I change this js file on stash directly? i.e. is it possible to navigate to the storyflow installation location and change the js?

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