Allow Transitions to be triggered by Pull Request Merged Event

Issue #5 new
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Comments (3)

  1. Toby Jackson

    I second this. We have multiple reviewers on pull-requests and a single approval would close tickets immediatly.

    The actual "completion" of the pull-request is where the pull-request is merged; not simply approved.

  2. Alan Parkinson

    The current implementation is based on the Pull Request Merged Event.

        public void pullRequestMerged(PullRequestMergedEvent event) {
            sendNotifcations(event, TransitionRuleBean.PullRequestEvent.APPROVED);

    Perhaps you are experiencing a particular problem?

  3. Eric Parusel

    If in fact it is the Merged event that this is triggering on, then is the wording incorrect in the configuration UI? Stash event: "Approved pull request"

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