Missing Statuses

Issue #7 new
Deon Heyns created an issue

In our JIRA instance we have quite a few statuses and I am seeing that not all of out statuses are displaying in the Original Status or Target Status drop downs. I have looked through JIRA and Stash's logs but cant find any issues.

Let me know what additional details you require

Comments (5)

  1. Deon Heyns reporter

    After reviewing the rest calls being made by StoryFlow(SF) I have potentially found the issue. From what I can tell SF uses the Stash project key when retrieving the applicable statuses. This works perfectly well when the Stash project key and the JIRA project key match. When they dont match that is when you will find that some statuses are missing.

    A great feature and the most powerful would be to add an option to the issue transitions page to adjust the key used by SF to match the Stash and JIRA projects

  2. Alan Parkinson

    Hi Deon,

    StoryFlow doesn't lookup JIRA Statues per project, we use the "rest/api/latest/status" REST Call.

    I will investigate to see if there is a limit on the number of statues return.


  3. Deon Heyns reporter

    Hey @aparkinson any news here? If there is anything I can do to help please let me know.

    Thanks, Deon

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