Messages are cut off showing only the first 10 characters in Hipchat when checking "Use terse messaging in room"

Issue #10 new
Frank Lee created an issue

As the title says, the message is cut off showing only the first 10 characters of the message in Hipchat when the "Use terse messaging in room" option is checked.

Having it unchecked, the whole message, plus all of the commits' messages are shown in large courier font, which is too noisy (e.g. has removes line brakes, larger font, takes up more space, etc.)

The title of the PR/issue could be enough when the option is checked. When unchecked, it would be nice to keep the line brakes and font smaller or more consistent.

We are using Github, the hosted (or cloud) version, and Hipchat (the cloud) version. There's no in-house enterprise versions used in this scenario.

Thank you.