Add sub-options for "Pull requests" event

Issue #12 new
Nathan Ward created an issue

I know that the options under "Events" generally correlate to GitHub's webhooks, but it would be so impactful to have more control over notification granularity, as they are interleaved with our HipChat conversations every day. Unfortunately, the "Pull requests" event includes many different actions: assigned, unassigned, review_requested, review_request_removed, labeled, unlabeled, opened, edited, closed, reopened, synchronized, and review_requested. It doesn't make sense to lump all of those together into a single checkbox.

Our use case is that we are trying to tune the level of notifications in our team's HipChat room to remove less relevant notifications while keeping opening/closing of PRs and comment notifications. We would like to keep notifications for the opened and closed actions and turn off the others (assigned, unassigned, review_requested, review_request_removed, labeled, unlabeled, edited, reopened, synchronized, and review_requested), but there doesn't currently appear to be a way to filter at that level of granularity.

Comments (4)

  1. Dominic Watson

    This would be amazing. We're using the GH Plugin and had to remove "Pull requests" entirely as it was spamming us like crazy. There's about 8 members in our team and we just set everyone to review PRs. This causes 8 huge messages in our room.

    I'm for the same two: "opened" and "closed". They're really all I want to see and we've just gotta turn it all off :(

  2. Eugene Safronov

    100% agree, it's very annoying, to see repeating review_requested events in the hipchat room.

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