Change the way of generating user_slug for duplicate user names

Issue #12 resolved
Jimmy Chu created an issue

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Comments (4)

  1. LiAh Sheep

    Investigation Result

    The issue occurred because the Openshift server is not properly cleared when resetting the Portal db. Openshift currently contains a ghost user named test01, but Portal db doesn’t have that. When Portal asks Openshift to create test01, Openshift returns Error: User 'test01' already registered..

    The current behaviour is: Portal adds _1 to the user_slug and sends that over to Openshift for account creation. However, Openshift doesn’t allow non-alphanumeric namespaces: An error occurred during domain creation. Errors: {:namespace=>["Invalid namespace. Namespace must only contain alphanumeric characters."]}. So this bug still has to be resolved, but in another aspect...

    So in conclusion, the solution:

    1. Remove all ghost users from Openshift DB
    2. Remove the underscore from the Openshift namespace, or use another method to generate duplicate user_slugs.
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