Upgrade PHP Cartridge to php 5.6

Issue #158 new
quasimo created an issue


屏幕快照 2015-05-12 上午10.01.33.png

这是用户应用的网址: http://violin-host.app.cnpaas.io

Needed libraries:

  • PHP:GD
  • Freetype
  • Imagemagick

Comments (22)

  1. Jimmy Chu
    1. There are two official openshift origin cartridges development doc:

    2. This is the previous CNPaaS php 5.5 / 5.6 cartridge I am still half-way working on. You could choose to build on top of it.

    3. To view the current installed cartridge, add/remove a custom cartridge, I wrote some scripts to do them. All in the cnpaas-openshift.

      • To view current cartridge, vagrant ssh into the openshift VM, then run

      • To add a cartridge, run

        cnpaas-openshift/bin/add_cartridge <path_to_cartridge_dir>

        you could try it with CNPaaS php cartridge

      • To remove a cartridge, run

        cnpaas-openshift/bin/remove_cartridge <cartridge name> <app version> <cartridge version>

        To know the three parameters, run

        oo-admin-cartridge -a list
  2. quasimo reporter


    • GD
    • MCrypt
    • php5-json
    • Freetype
    • Imagemagick
    • Memcache
  3. LiAh Sheep

    Mysterious redirection problem:


    curl -v http://php01-liahsheep.app.cnpaas.localhost/wordpress  
    #=> Location: http://php01-liahsheep.app.cnpaas.localhost:8080/wordpress/
    curl -v http://php01-liahsheep.app.cnpaas.localhost/wordpress/  
    #=> Location: http://php01-liahsheep.app.cnpaas.localhost/wordpress/index.php/wordpress/wp-admin/setup-config.php


    curl -v http://php01-liahsheep.app.staging.cnpaas.io/wordpress  
    #=> Location: http://php01-liahsheep.app.staging.cnpaas.io:8080/wordpress/
    curl -v http://php01-liahsheep.app.staging.cnpaas.io/wordpress/  
    #=> Location: http://php01-liahsheep.app.staging.cnpaas.io/wordpress/index.php/wordpress/wp-admin/setup-config.php

    However, the bug in #200 does not exist. Still investigating...

  4. Jimmy Chu
    • In #200, I fix the apache config at node host /etc/httpd/conf.d/openshift/<openshift_gear_ID>/<openshift_gear_cartridge_config>. Does the config file look fine to you?

    • Another thing is, I believe php5.6 is using nginx as the webserver. So there is a redirection of:

      (http-request) -> node apache -> gear nginx -> gear php. So check the chain is working fine on every level.

    My two cents. May not be the real issue 😄

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