
Issue #160 duplicate
quasimo created an issue

屏幕快照 2015-05-13 上午11.11.26.png


Comments (7)

  1. Jimmy Chu

    This is the status of current production database where app status != NULL

    Diagram here (may need to download it to view clearly)

    There are a few things to investigate:

    • why some apps are always in creating status?
    • why some apps are in create failed status?
    • how to fix these apps now?
    • how to avoid these errors from happening again?
    • how to debug delayed-job issue in production env? Is it in production.log?

    Here is the production log

  2. LiAh Sheep

    development 偶爾都會遇到,但未知怎樣造成
    現在可以手動更新所有 status = creating -> started

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