
Issue #221 resolved
quasimo created an issue


  1. 以后是否可能避免应用一直处于“创建中”这种状态?

  2. 如果不能避免,用户是否可能自行删除?

Comments (10)

  1. Jimmy Chu


    • this problem reoccurs, I am thinking write a task similar to cleanup-failed-recs in cnpaas.rake to handle this
    • extracts prod log to investigate
  2. Jimmy Chu

    This will trigger removing the dependent cartridge (phpmyadmin-4) as well. So it should work.

    If it gives 503, then it is an issue.

  3. LiAh Sheep

    Extract of the log:

    I, [2015-06-28T20:34:11.779347 #2852]  INFO -- : POST request to /broker/rest/domains/bevista/applications | status: 201
    I, [2015-06-28T20:34:12.478135 #2852]  INFO -- : GET request to /broker/rest/domains/bevista/applications/bbs | status: 200
    I, [2015-06-28T20:34:55.856433 #2852]  INFO -- : POST request to /broker/rest/domains/bevista/applications/bbs/cartridges | status: 201 #=> mysql
    I, [2015-06-28T20:35:29.305222 #2852]  INFO -- : POST request to /broker/rest/domains/bevista/applications/bbs/cartridges | status: 201 #=> phpmyadmin
    I, [2015-06-28T21:00:02.785007 #2852]  INFO -- : DELETE request to /broker/rest/domains/bevista/applications/bbs/cartridges/mysql-5.5 | status: 200
    I, [2015-06-28T21:00:04.405146 #2852]  INFO -- : POST request to /broker/rest/domains/bevista/applications/bbs/events | status: 422 
    I, [2015-06-28T21:00:04.405407 #2852]  INFO -- : request:
    {:headers=>{"Authorization"=>"********"}, :data=>"event=stop"}
    I, [2015-06-28T21:00:04.411453 #2852]  INFO -- : response:
          "text":"Cartridge 'phpmyadmin-4' can not be added without mysql or mariadb. The dependency 'mysql' can be satisfied with mysql-5.5 or mysql-5.1."

    It should trigger to remove phpmyadmin, but it didn't.

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