Feedback on rhc ssh to gear on checking is_default_page

Issue #271 resolved
Jimmy Chu created an issue

Referring to CNPaaS in staging env

p/w: abcd1234

  1. opening the app page of papp01-test01 is quite slow. Production server with loaded data and multiple users could only get worse.
  2. The app is newly created with default page, but is checked as git commit. I believe it is because the default page of a php app is index.php instead of index.html.

no. 1 is the key...

Comments (5)

  1. Jimmy Chu reporter

    Thought on no. 1,

    1. rhc deployment list --app <appname> <connectionInfo> could retrieve current deployment ID of an app. Deployment ID is different from the git commit SHA1 ID.
    2. On app creation, we extract the app initial deployment ID, and save it in db. Could save it in apps table or app_options table
    3. On app.is_default_page? check, get the deployment ID again and check if it is the same.
    4. If the two deployment IDs are different, we also marked it in app_options. Then from now on, app.is_default_page? will only return false
    • connectionInfo is something like -k --server broker01.oo.cnpaas.localhost -l test02 -p 7c0a17af
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