rhc commands took too long

Issue #6 duplicate
LiAh Sheep created an issue

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Comments (12)

  1. LiAh Sheep reporter

    Two approaches

    1. Return { success: true, job_id: 'd7689' }. So the user needs to query /job/d7689 to see if the job has completed or not.
    2. Add one more parameter callback=http://... so when the job has completed, it will call back using the url.
  2. LiAh Sheep reporter
    • changed status to open

    Not exactly duplicate. rhc commands load time may possibly be improved, without doing two phase notification.

  3. LiAh Sheep reporter

    I try to isolate the problem. The bug is now reproducible in irc:

    2.1.2p95 :005 > require 'httpclient'
     => true 
    2.1.2p95 :006 > TCPSocket.new("dashboard.cnpaas.localhost", 80)
     => #<TCPSocket:fd 9> 
    2.1.2p95 :007 > TCPSocket.new("dashboard.cnpaas.io", 80)
     => #<TCPSocket:fd 11> 
    2.1.2p95 :008 > TCPSocket.new("www.google.com", 443)
     => #<TCPSocket:fd 13> 
    2.1.2p95 :009 > TCPSocket.new("broker.openshift.local", 443)
     => #<TCPSocket:fd 14> 

    While the first 3 commands return immediately, the last command takes about 5 seconds to complete. Might be due to misconfiguration of Vagrant box or OpenShift.

  4. Jimmy Chu
    • changed status to open

    Let's verify the user creation / app creation / service creation speed is acceptable in staging server

  5. Jimmy Chu

    @liahsheep Check with you again, if you now agree this issue becomes a two-phase notification enhancement, please mark this issue duplicated.

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