P2 Farps can't refuel.

Issue #106 resolved
Acidic created an issue

Harriers and helos can't seem to refuel at FARPs. Probably missing a truck or something.

Comments (2)

  1. Terlisimo

    I ran some tests and it turns out that for refueling to work, player needs to be landed on the FARP object, and the fuel truck needs to be no more than 220m from the center of FARP object.

    I'd go with 200m to be safe.

    FSW spawner (farp defense west unit group) uses mist to spawn units, disperses them by default.

    I think we should have "no disperse" for farp support units so they always spawn on/near the farp at known position. This will also solve the issue of units sometimes spawning on unit slots.

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