Sukhumi capture is not detected

Issue #108 resolved
Terlisimo created an issue

Even when all red units are destroyed, C-130 lands at Sukhumi, mission status still says "Sukhumi: Not captured".

Red aircraft keep spawning on the airfield, only to be immediately shot down by blue defense.

After restart, both blue and red forces spawn at the airfield and battle it out.

Comments (2)

  1. Terlisimo reporter

    I've looked into it and the fix is not straightforward.

    First, the Sukhumi defense is not programmatically spawned. It is placed in mission editor, and "late activation" is unchecked, so it will always be there no matter what.

    I tried unchecking it, setting coalition to 1 (red) in state file, but then it failed to spawn defense because defense units are not defined.

    So the fix would be to remove red force from Sukhumi entirely, and spawn red defense forces there like with any other airfield.

    Since it is assumed that Sukhumi is initially red, it should be set to coalition 1 when state file is empty, otherwise it will start out as neutral.

    The reason for displaying "not captured" is that nothing really sets the state to captured. It should be added in baseCapture event. Same goes for Beslan, nothing done when it is captured.

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