Hawk Sites are not persistent

Issue #11 resolved
Former user created an issue


Yesterday i placed three Hawk Sites on the map, which were pretty fast empty in regards to missiles. There are 2 things i would like to bring to attention:

  1. If the sites are empty (no more missiles to shoot), it appears that they get removed after a restart of the server.

  2. If the site is not empty it is rebuild with only two launchers. Per default CTLD Spawns 5 Launchers (maybe a little to much).

As much as i like to roam around in my UH-1 or MI-8, it is quite tedious if sites are gone after a restart and you are not able to refill them (possible with CTLD).

To be clear. The sites were not destroyed, since i tried to refill one of them shortly before server restart and didnt manage it (to be honest i didn't know and tried bringing in a munition truck :D). So the site was not damaged but after server restart it was gone. Two of the three sites where gone after server restart. Both were empty on missiles and not damaged.

Is this intentional? I don't think the scenario would get too easy as they still have to be refilled and you could only spawn 2 or three launchers on build. This would give us rotorheads some more to do, and give the cap fighters some support defending. Maybe also limit the amount of placable sites (default is 20).



Comments (5)

  1. Terlisimo

    Can confirm, brand new site respawned with just 2 launchers instead of 5.

    Also, after the restart, the "repair" with the HAWK repair truck doesn't work any more. Normally it restores the whole site, but after restart it just says "no damaged sites in 300m" or something similar, even though the site is clearly damaged (yellow life bar).

    So something in the persistence code makes CTLD not recognize a hawk site.

  2. Jeremy Smitherman

    Hm, this might be interesting to fix. There's probably something that we need to do to the hawk sites to make CTLD "see" them, same as we do with the JTACs

  3. Terlisimo

    I believe the CTLD server component keeps internal track of the SAM sites created with it, since you can't use the CTLD repair truck to repair the site placed with the editor.

    Another indication of this is that after restart, number of "active sites" in CTLD is back to 0.

    I see two ways in which you could go about fixing this:

    1) find a way to link an existing SAM site with the CTLD so it recognizes it as a CTLD site, which would make it repairable or 2) after respawn, re-create the site with CTLD functions instead of just spawning equivalent units in their place.

  4. Jeremy Smitherman

    Partially fixed in 3.0.9. Still can't repair HAWK's spawned at start of mission yet, will track that in another ticket. However launchers are surviving restarts and are spawning with proper number of launchers.

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