JTACs being left lonely in the AO

Issue #124 new
Gillogical created an issue

With the latest state reset, the number of JTACs placed via CTLD has increased greatly. Would we be able to remove JTACs that aren't close to any enemy units at the end of the mission?

An alternate, more complex solution suggested would be to give the JTACs either a fixed lifespan of X server resets, or remove them if they haven't spotted anything for an entire server period. But I think just removing them with a distance check would be sufficient.

Comments (1)

  1. Jeremy Smitherman

    So I can think of a couple of ways to fix this, one thing we've got in the works is being able to move JTAC's around and save their updated position. Right now if you move a JTAC we don't store it's updated position, so on restart it goes back to where it was originally placed. If we fix that, that might alleviate the issue because you can just move existing JTACs around. Or we can get rid of them after X restarts, or both. Gonna open this up to discussion on discord.

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