Move tankers

Issue #125 resolved
Former user created an issue

Moving the tankers or adding new tankers slightly east to where it is shown in the picture would:

  • Allow aircraft to orbit near Krasnodar and Maykop while waiting for tasking or wingmen

  • Allow aircraft flying from from Krasnodar/Maykop to refuel on the way to the carrier if needed

  • Allow aircraft taking off from the carrier to refuel before heading to combat

Moving or creating new tankers would promote CAP to play slightly more defensive and cautious. Instead of feeling the rush to fly deep into enemy territory to score a kill before one's fuel runs out, one could wait near the tanker until an enemy posing a threat appears. With the limited amount of weapons, this could lead to munition savings and CAP being on station more often.

Comments (5)

  1. Ryan Stevens

    We've been discussing this on the discord for a while now. I will propose the following:

    If Tuapse, Sochi, and Gudauta have not been secured then the tankers and aircraft carriers will remain in their current location at the start of the mission. Else, the carriers can spawn at the start of mission off the coast of Sochi, along with the tankers. This should keep them clear of enemy landbased systems since they are still over water.

    I double checked in the DCS mission editor that this can be done by using delayed activation on aircraft carriers. The init.lua file would include additional logic based on the state to activate the associated carrier.

    IMHO placing the tankers over land is a minefield due to how the BAI spawns work. It would be difficult to place them in a usable area even after certain SAM systems are killed as BAI systems with capable SAM systems may spawn below them or in their vicinity.

  2. Ryan Stevens

    I also propose beefing up the carrier battle group with an oliver hazard perry frigate. Gives players another place to land helicopters and rearm as well.

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