Deep OCA strikes

Issue #139 new
Former user created an issue

One thing that bugs me is the air starts. Having a great fight, and then a 2ship of 31's air spawns into your party at 35k feet 10nm behind you and mucks it all up. What I suggest is since the 31 is quite lethal, perhaps a ground spawn for them. (leave all others as they are)

Have the 31's come out of the largest runway at Tbilisi (if memory serves its the center most complex out of the three airfields at Tbilisi). Make them spawn and have to taxi and climb out.

If I am correct in thinking that runway damage in MP is reset by the player just logging out and re-joining and the damage state is removed. But the AI can't relog, so a successful OCA strike should shut down the runway for the time left on the mission. I think that deep ramrod OCA strikes (you BMS folks know of what I speak) would add a extra layer of planning for players. Place some sam threats at the runway, (make me earn it but not OP amounts) enough that either a low fast ingress or a SEAD escort in the package could work.

This would, in my opinion, would add extra depth & planning that when executed properly would reward the server with removal of 31's for a little while. I don't think it would be abused given the very long flight times and fuel concerns for such a long flight.

Let us find 2 folks for escort, 2 folks for SEAD and 2 for strike, let us plan it and then hopefully execute it.

Just my 2cents. Love the server.


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