KA-50 #056 Delta Spawn

Issue #142 resolved
Former user created an issue

It spawns too far away to get rearmed. Must start the chopper, fly to FARP, shut down chopper to get armed. FARP is captured. Have not tested any other FARP Delta chopper spawns.

Comments (4)

  1. Terlisimo

    You don't need to shut down the ka-50 to get armed.

    You must switch the radio to "ground crew" before calling for rearm.

  2. Terlisimo

    Ok, so the new argument is that Mi-8s and Hueys sometimes don't put on weapons, while Ka-50s will always rearm, so it would be more efficient to have Ka-50 spawn on the FARP, and the Mi-8/Huey on the ground.

  3. Bailey

    Ok, thank you for that Ground Crew radio tip. First day in the KA50. And thanks for the fast response.

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