End of phase 2

Issue #189 new
Former user created an issue

Could you somehow improve the end of phase 2? When Vody is taken and the coast aswell there is usually a lag of players helping to finish the game and if you ask them they tell you Beslan ist to far away from Kras/Stennis.

I can understand them...if i dont get a vody spawn i just jump in the farp harrier. If i would not have the harrier id wobble around with some meaningless side attachements like many others do when they dont want to travel 300nm from the stennis to beslan.

I dont mind a bit of flying but in the end it often gets a strain.

Can we somehow improve this? Make Nalchik and Mozdok harder to take and hold but enable spawns there? Move up the stennis or enable mor Coast spawns? Maybe make it in to a 3rd phase so that assets can be replaced?

Just some ideas. Thanks guys and keep up the work.


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