Modify red SEAD behaviour to encourage more friendly Hawk setups and CTLD use

Issue #194 new
Gillogical created an issue

Right now, especially in P2 with the larger transit distances, a helo driver usually is limited to either attempting to setup a new hawk site or having to maintain them.

A recent example, where we had 3 helos setting up a site 15 miles from Delta had each of us having to repair the one at the FARP at every turnaround (so, maybe 10-20 minute intervals). While I don't want to actually be able to walk a hawk line from delta to Beslan, right now it seems like you can barely keep the initial defensive site going and have to tie someone to it, so they aren't putting down JTACs or troops to help with forward captures.

My initial suggestion would be to either reduce the ammunition, or the frequency of SEAD sorties. If you can set them up to be like CAP, where it is player dependant, that could also solve the issue (unless it already is, and it's the ratio that is causing so many strikes).

Other than that, having a better form of counterplay to fight the frogs from the ground would be nice. Using buildings and terrain as cover is only mildly effective, and having to put up avengers a further 20nm in front of the hawks slows the helo game down even more.

Comments (3)

  1. Bigfoot

    Change CTLD to allow the building of a Forward Operating Base (FOB) with three crates instead of nine. Issue 164. Long transit times and round trips to build or maintain is unreasonable especially with a four hour reset time and between server crashes. Not worth the time and effort to be a cargo helicopter pilot without three crate FOB capability.

  2. Gillogical reporter

    FOB won't provide fuel or spawn points, you'll still need to invest the initial flight time and hope you have air cover with an FOB

  3. Bigfoot

    Definitely not fuel or spawn points but incrementally setting up three crate fobs will give the helicopters the ability to put out sams to provide air cover for the helis and strikers when cap doesn't exist. Not to mention ground forces closer to an an objective all without having to repeatedly fly back to the long transit staring point each time you need another crate.

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