AWACS and Tanker tracks not realistic

Issue #34 resolved
Former user created an issue

In 17AUG2018 version of the mission the AWACS and Tankers kept getting shot down by F-5s and Mig-33s. As others have pointed out Anapa should receive base defense and the AWACS should be moved to the west of Anapa to put that SAM system between the front line and the AWACS. In addition it seemed like there were no DDGs in the US navy that could provide SAM coverage for the tankers off the coast. There use to be DDGs but there appear to not be anymore, one should probably be brought back.

If you need more info, contact Instigator on discord.

Comments (1)

  1. Hoggy Bot

    Partially fixed in 3.0.6, tanker tracks moved further west, The AWACS is pretty survivable where it is but yeah sometimes those F5's slip through, we've got another ticket open to add base defenses at Anapa (should be in tonight) and that should finish the resolution to this issue.

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