Mission coordinate system separator dosent change from MM degree to MM Decimal

Issue #51 new
Former user created an issue

IE 44° 32" 45' N vs 44° 32' 75" N

45" N is .75 seconds but still uses the quotation mark to show it instead of a leading decimal.

Besides being wrong, it is confusing to the user if that is the right setting for the aircraft in use.

Comments (1)

  1. squinkys

    I think we might need to take a closer look at this. I’m not sure the current coordinate format on the *AW missions, but given the Hornet’s somewhat recent PRECISE-mode addition, I think it’d be a very nice quality-of-life update if we could display the coordinates in that format (N XX XX XX.XX E XX XX XX.XX). Of course that might muck up things somewhat for airframes other than the Hornet…

    Does anyone think it might be possible to set your coordinate format via F10 menu (similar to how LALT + Y will change the coordinate format on the F10 map)? Or would that require a significant chunk of dev-time?

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