QOL - Ka-50 FM channels

Issue #74 new
Former user created an issue

As it stands the Ka-50 FM radio has 21.5 set for all channels. Presets can only be set at a mission level and you can't modify them in the aircraft itself. Setting some presets across all Ka-50 spawns will be a large QOL improvement for those Shark players so they can use the FM for interflight.

Comments (3)

  1. squinkys

    I'll need a KA-50 pilot to confirm that this is resolved, but I know it's fine in the Mi-8 at this point. The only radio that cannot be changed is the one that's fixed to 30FM.

  2. Bigfoot

    In P1 each of the 10 frequencies on the Ka-50 R828 radio are different. Starting with channel 1: 21.5 fm, 2: 25.7, 3: 27, 4: 28, 5: 30, 6: 32, 7: 40, 8: 50, 9: 55.5 and Channel 10: 59.9

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