Player's built FOBs don't save

Issue #80 wontfix
Former user created an issue

FOBs built using CTLD's FOB crates don't save before server restart

Comments (2)

  1. Jeremy Smitherman

    Right now GAW has no FOB functionality. Maybe open an enhancement giving us some ideas for what to do with them? I'm not sure what they are useful for ATM

  2. Gillogical

    FOBs let you spawn crates in, so an example in P2 would be to setup a FOB near minvody from Charlie in order to reduce travel time during a capture. You would still need to transit to it and eventually refuel, but it would help with setting up forward/aggressive hawk sites.

    The fact that a helicopter has to invest 9 trips initially in order to deploy it would be the balancing/deterrent to reduce the amount of sneaky red airfield denial ops, and if players are grouping up and organising flights to get them out, then it's encouraging more heli flights out.

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