Usernames appear wrongly after having changed them

Issue #12 resolved
Rutger S created an issue

In JIRA, usernames can be changed. After having changed them, they appear in a wrong way in the project role tab. (also after reindexing JIRA, to be sure)

Correct way: usual blue user icon (or personal avatar), blue letters, clickable, full name. Example: Johnson, J. (Jack)

After change: grey icon with question mark (user cannot be found?), black letters, non-clickable, username#1. Example: johnsonj#1

It seems the user cannot be found anymore.

This way the tab isn't useful for us anymore unfortunately. Hope you can fix it, because otherwise it's great. :)

Comments (7)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Thank's for reporting! What version of JIRA are you using? Can you provide some screenshots? Is the user elsewhere correctly rendered e.a. as Assignee on the view issue screen? Is this problem maybe related to the ...#1 and renaming to johnsonj_new works? (# is a special character in URLs might be the root cause of the bug.)

  2. Rutger S reporter

    Thanks for the fix - and sorry, really didn't have time to clarify, but you found the cause yourself. For us the fix will be of use later since we're not running the newest JIRA yet.


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