Missing some project roles

Issue #24 resolved
Radek Janata created an issue

Hi Holger,

We are missing some of the project role on the Roles tab. Why?

We are missing two roles: * Deputy Project Leads * Testers See screenshots.

Thanks. Radek

Comments (4)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Hello Radek!

    Project Role Tab shows those project roles, which are used in the project permission scheme of the project. This means all project roles shown under permissions (see this screenshot) will be shown.

    Please have a look at the documentation

    That means your Jira admin needs to add Deputy Project Leads to a project permission in the corresponding permission scheme.

    Hope this helps to solve your issue?

    Best regards, Holger

  2. Radek Janata reporter

    OK, thanks for explanation (sorry for not checking documentation:-)

    Altough the project roles are not part of permission scheme, they are important for us:

    • Deputy Project Leads - just an informative project role to let other users know, who are project leads (Project Lead is often misused for "virtual assignee" representing a team)
    • Testers - project role actively used by test management addon (Adaptavist TM)

    When I put these extra project roles artificially into permission scheme, then the roles started to appear in the Roles tab. I think this acceptable workaround while keeping the possibility to adjust which roles are (in)visible under the Roles tab.


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