Display Project Lead

Issue #26 resolved
Janata Radek created an issue

Hi Holger,

Would it be possible to display Project Lead on the same Project Role tab?

This is normally visible only on project list or in the admin section (where common users don't have access to).

Thanks, Radek

Comments (8)

  1. Dale Keller

    As per your personal email I am requesting this be added as a feature as well. 🙂 Thank you for considering it.

  2. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    There is a new version 2.6.0 of Jira Project Role Tab available, which now also shows Project Lead and Default Assignee.

  3. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Actually the plugin should work without issue in Jira 7.0. You can give it a try and upload it manually via addon manager in Jira. Would that be okay for you that it is not formally supported, but just works without issue?

  4. Janata Radek reporter

    Yes, it work in 7.x too. Thanks for the tip. The addon status reads INCOMPATIBLE, but this doesn’t seem to be a problem.

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