Project Role Tab should be available for users without "Browse Users" permission

Issue #30 new
Alex Alex created an issue

We are company which work in finanse sector. Our clients - banks. We use two Users Directory in Jira (internal Users and Banks Users).

After Update to 7.13.13 we lost tab “Role” for Banks Users as Banks Users not "Browse Users" global permisson.

Banks need watch all users in project.
Maybe you are add this configiration?


Comments (4)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    I understand your issue, but the global permission “Browse Users” is exactly to prevent, that users without this permission see too much about who else is involved and using the Jira instance. I don’t consider removing this check of “Browse Users” permission. But I keep this ticket here open for voting to see if other users think the same.

    See and

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