Error message on create or edit issue after upgrading to version 2.0.0 with PostgreSQL database

Issue #26 resolved
Ricksoft created an issue


Our Customers are using jira 6.0.8, and Installed [Project Specific Select Field 1.2.5] plugin(Evaluation version). When upgrading to the plugin 2.0.0 and executing [craete issue], the error message below occurs and the issues can't be created.

<follows JIRA Message> The JIRA server could not be contact.This may be a temporary glitch or the server may be down. Close this daialog and press refresh in your browser

If your plugin is 1.2.5, JIRA can be operated normally. Do you have any workarounds? Around when will you answer ?

Regards, Konno Ricksoft Inc. E-mail: Website:

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