Allow sorting of values on the Project Specific tab

Issue #33 resolved
Timothy Johnston created an issue

While JIRA allows administrators to sort a project-specific select field's values in the normal Custom Fields administration area, currently the plugin doesn't allow Project Administrators to do the same on the Project Specific tab where they currently have the ability to add/disable values (via the plugin).

This diminishes some of the usefulness the plugin provides by forcing the Project Administrators to still go through a JIRA admin if they want their newly added choice value to be sorted along with the rest of the list.

Comments (20)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    As a quick solution how about alphabetical order by default (similar to what is shown on the Project Specific tab) when selection an option value in create or edit screens?

  2. NeilW

    This would be really valuable. It's my #1 feature request for this plugin. It makes the maintenance of values entirely self-service for the teams.

  3. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    For user interface of this feature I see in general two options. It would be great to get your feedback. What do you think?

    Option 1 is to put an "Edit Options" button on the Project Specific tab at the bottom of each Project Specific Select Field which is shown on the tab. This "Edit Options" button would open a modal dialog as shown in the mockup below.


    Option 2 is to add a Project Specific section to the administration part of the project. This would be more similar to administration of versions and components, but it needs an extra step to select which for custom field you want to edit options (drop down at the top). See mockup below. Similar to versions and components I would add an "Edit Options" button to the Project tab as in Option 1 to the upper right corner or/and below each custom field shown on the tab.


    It would be great to get your feedback. My personal favorite is Option 2, because it is more similar to regular JIRA behavoiur like versions and components. What do you think?

  4. NeilW

    I see your point about consistency, but I like Option #1 as it requires fewer gestures. I'd be happy with either solution, of course.

  5. Bhupinder Pooni

    I vote for option #2; having all the project level settings being under a single Administration tab is ideal.

    Other enhancements I would like to see are:

    • Adding a Enable link/button on a disabled value would help. Currently it not obvious how one will enabled a disabled value.
    • Ability to Edit value (which hasn't been used) yet. Typically to fix a misspelled newly created value.
  6. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    I think I will go with option 2. I choosed this, because it is similar to other project configurations in JIRA (versions, components) and it is also best for fields with high number of values (some users have 500-1000 option values). Option 1 with modal dialog is tricky in scrolling and space is more limited.

    Many thanks for your feedback!

    P.S. For edit of option values please follow issue #30.

  7. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    I started working on this feature, but I have to do major refactorings of the REST API to be able to deliver a similar user interface as for versions and components using AUI RESTful Table component.

    Planned release date is end of March / beginning of April.

  8. Holger Schimanski repo owner
    • changed milestone to 2.4.0

    I was originally planning to release this feature as part of 2.3, but need to reschedule this to 2.4. This is needed, because I want to release support for JIRA 6.4, implementation of #30 and bugfix for #31 as an intermediate release and then start working on this feature of reordering of option values.

  9. Timothy Johnston reporter

    Thanks for the update, Holger! My users are eagerly awaiting this feature so that they don't have to contact an admin anymore when they add new items to the lists. :)

  10. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    You mean add a new value themselves as project admin, but then need contact JIRA admin to do proper reorder?

  11. Timothy Johnston reporter

    Correct. My PROJECT admins can't currently sort the choice lists. They add the value via the Project Specific section and then contact me or another JIRA admin to do it for them. Sorry if I was unclear in my first comment.

  12. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    If you are using version 2.4.0, please update because of a bug in sorting of option values #42 which is fixed in version 2.4.1. Thank you! If you have any other feedback or problems, don't hesitate to contact me.

    Best regards, Holger

  13. Claire Nelson

    I was really looking forward to this being fixed but I cannot seem to get it to work. If I click on any of the existing values it gets greyed out and I am unable to move or amend it (see screenshot). Is anyone else experiencing this? PSS.jpg

  14. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    This works like expected. The screenshot is from a custom field of type Project Specific Select Field (simple). For this type option values are always alphabetically and cannot be ordered or edited.

    You need to create a custom field of type Project Specific Select Field or Project Specific Multi Select Field. And for this field remove the global context and create a context for each project as described in the wiki. Then project admins can order manually and can edit options values.

    Sorry for this inconvenience with Project Specific Select Field (simple), but it is based on a text field and not on a select field and therefore has limited capabilites.

    Hote this clarifies situation.

    Best regards, Holger

    P.S. If you need support in migrating your projects from Project Specific Select Field (simple) to Project Specific Select Field, please contact me via email and we create a migration plan.

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