Too many values in the field makes the tab time out

Issue #36 resolved
Joe Mallon created an issue

Having too many options for a project-specific field makes the Project Specific tab time out. The tab doesn't render, so new values for other fields cannot be added.

Comments (15)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Okay, now the problem is "only" the custom field with your 1000 option values and other Project Specific Custom Fields are not affected. Are you sure it is a good idea having a custom field with so many option values? What's the reason behind this? I cannot image how to even set this field in a create or edit issue dialog? Does this create or edit issue forms time-out as well? (Should be, because it has the same problem in reading and loading this huge amount of option values to the client.)

  2. Joe Mallon reporter

    Correct - only with the field with many values. When you tested this, what was the most values you used?

    The field is a dropdown list. Users select the value they want. No problems with Create or Edit.

  3. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Can you measure how many seconds it takes until the error message appears? (This is your browser time out for requests.)

  4. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Okay, 1 min is standard browser request timeout. What type is this custom field?

    • Project Specific Select Field (simple)
    • Project Specific Select Field
    • Project Specific Multi Select Field
  5. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    I have set timeout to 3 min. Please provide feedback, if this does not help.

    Best regards Holger

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