"Not valid" warning message in JIRA basic search

Issue #5 resolved
Holger Schimanski repo owner created an issue

Searching for issue with field values for Project Specific Select Field custom fields works fine for bar chart and also in JQL advanced search.

But when switching to basic search mode of JIRA 6.0 it says "This criteria is not valid for the project and/or issue type".

Comments (4)

  1. Holger Schimanski reporter

    WARN message from log

    [INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2013-07-19 20:58:45,067 http-2990-12 WARN admin 
    1258x21852x1z8j9pj /secure/Search!Default.jspa
    Searcher customfield_10000 (ExactTextCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer) 
    tried to search with context it does not exist for. The search context is 
  2. Holger Schimanski reporter
    • changed milestone to 1.2.2

    When linking to JIRA search to show the list of corresponding issues with a certain value of a custom field, the relevant issue types needs to be added to the query. Otherwise you get this error message when a custom field context is configured and the context just includes certain issue types.

  3. Holger Schimanski reporter

    If custom field context is limited to certain Issue Types, these Issue Types are now included as criteria when linking to JIRA search.

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