Project specific Fields migration from Jira DC to Jira Cloud

Issue #103 resolved
Usha B S created an issue

Hi Team,

Good day!
We are performing migration from Jira Data Centre(DC) to Jira Cloud. We have created project specific fields in our project in the Jira DC. Now when we perform migration the fields are not getting migrated. Kindly let us know the possible ways to migrated the project specific fields to the Jira cloud.

Comments (14)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner
    • changed status to new

    Hello, because currently there is Jira Cloud version of Project Specific Select Fiel, you need to revert the respective Custom Fields to regular Single and Multi Select Fields.

    In the SQL wiki you see a description for the other way, from regular Single and Multi Select to Project Specific Select Field. We can wirk together to create the necessary SQL statements.

    Can you please provide information how many fields you have aof which specific type (single, multi, single but deprecated)?

  2. Usha B S reporter

    Hello @Holger Schimanski ,

    Thank you for looking into the issue.
    We are having 200+ projects in our Jira Data Center and around 50 project specific fields . We need to migrate only one Jira project from Jira DC to Jira cloud Instance.  So we will not be able to change the project specific fields to regular single or multi select fields in our Jira DC.

    Can you please explain the below approach in detail as we are unable to understand it,
    ”In the SQL wiki you see a description for the other way, from regular Single and Multi Select to Project Specific Select Field. We can wirk together to create the necessary SQL statements.”

    Kindly let us know if there are any other ways to migrate the project specific fields to Jira cloud instance.

  3. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Oh, you only migrate 1 out of 200+ projects to Jira Cloud. That is a more special scenario.

    How many custom fields of type Project Specific Select Fields do you have in this project? You can go to the extra tab called Project Specific in the project configuration or browse project. And are these custom fields maybe specific for this project and not used in other projects?

  4. Usha B S reporter

    Yes, we are migrating only one project from Jira DC to Jira Cloud instance. We have around 47 project specific fields in our Jira DC. They are available for all the other projects within instance. Since they are project specific fields Project Admins will have permission to add the drop down values which will be specific to their project only.

  5. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    There are three different types of Project Specific Select Fields custom fields. How many of each are used by this project?

    • Project Specific Select Field
    • Project Specific Multi Select Field
    • Project Specific Select Field (simple)

    You can get this information is you go to the project configuration and go to the tab „Project Specific“. Then you see a drop down with all fields. I guess not all are really used and then don‘t have option values?

  6. Usha B S reporter

    We have total 57 project specific fields which are available for all the projects.

    • Project Specific Select Field - 4
    • Project Specific Multi Select Field - 53

    We have few default values set. But the Project Admin will also have permission to add the values to the fields specific to project.

  7. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    I would propose to use a maintenance window of your Jira instance. During this maintenance window do the following steps

    • Shut down Jira
    • Access backend database and change Project Specific Select Fields to standard Jira Select Fields by a couple of SQL statements
    • Restart and reindex Jira
    • Jira would be back to normal, just project admin cannot manage option value for this time
    • Migrate respective project to Jira Cloud
    • Shutdow Jira
    • Access backend database and change respective custom fields back to Project Specific Select Fields by another couple of SQL statements
    • Restart and reindex Jira

    Would this be a reasonable plan?

    Do you have test instance so that we could test this approach?

    I would work together with you to develop the necessary SQL statements.

  8. Usha B S

    Thank you for letting us know this approach. But this is not a feasible solution for us since we have more than 200 projects in our Jira DC and trying to migrate only one project to the Jira cloud instance. Kindly let us know if any other ways available to migrate the fields data.

  9. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    I guess your plan is to use the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant to push the one project from Data Center to Jira Cloud?

    There is Atlassian support you can get for such migrations. Maybe they see an option to translate the Project Specific Select Fields custom fields into standard single and multi select fields during the migration process?

    Otherwise migrate the one project without this Project Specific Select Field information. Create corresponding new custom fields in Jira Cloud and assign respective issues to the new custom field option values manually via bulk change of issues.

  10. Usha B S

    Yes Holger Schimanski, we are using Jira cloud migration assistant app for the migration of project. Thank you for the suggestion. We have tried by creating the project specific fields as corrsponding type of custom fields in Jira cloud and import of issues through CSV. It works with minimal data mismatch post import activity.

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