Automatic creating of custom field context per project

Issue #34 open
Joe Mallon created an issue

Requiring a new context of each project in order to manage values is impractical for any user that has over a few projects. We have 85 projects in Jira, each of which may need different values for our project-specific fields.

There should a bulk operation available to create these contexts for a custom field.

Comments (18)

  1. Matthias Krauss

    We have just purchased your add-on, unfortunately not taking into account that the context split has to be done manually. Since the milestone has been changed quite a long time ago, are you still planning to implement the feature? Could you give us a timeline when 2.6.0 could be expected? Many thanks in advance!

  2. Luca Tonet

    We have the same issue. Great add-on offering an easy way for project admins to customize their Jira projects. But manual creation of context done by a jira admin is annoying. We purchased this add-on specifically to reduce involvement of jira admins and let the project admins do their customizations without impacting other projects. Would be great to have this automatism soon. Thanks a lot.

  3. Luca Tonet

    Would be great to have the configure section showing all the used project specific fields with their values (as it is today) and additionally all the available project specific fields which could be added to the project.

  4. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    I am working on an easier way for Jira admins to create custom field contexts. The standard way to do this is quite cumbersome if you have a higher amount of projects in your Jira instance. With this new user interface this should be easier. Please have a look at the screenshot below. Also a REST API will be available. See #25.

    This is not an implementation of what is requested in this issue. But it should be getting easier for JIra admins. Creating custom field contexts automatically by trigger of a project admin instead of Jira admin is quite a big change in concept and also reverse of control. Therefor I would like to try a step in between and making creation of contexts easier for Jira admin.

    You can get access to a beta version of the plugin and your feedback would be very valuable for me. But of course this beta version is not for production use as of now.

  5. Vishal Kharde

    Hi Holger,

    We have been using your plugin heavily for many projects. Its very useful.

    As part of this enhancement, is the automatic deletion of context considered if the project is deleted?

    Say, I have 50 projects and for each of this project I have created separate contexts for a Field (Say F1). Now if I delete 25 projects, then I have 25 field context(For F1) configuration(which are of no use now) still being present in field context configuration menu for F1.

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