Project specific custom field is not actually project specific

Issue #43 resolved
Rahul Aich [Nagra] created an issue

Hi All We have project specific custom field plugin (2.1.0) installed on our JIRA instance. We defined a custom field 'Teams' (project specific custom field) and enabled it for two projects A and B Now in Project A, if someone adds or disables any Teams Option then that change also gets reflected in Project B. And the same vice versa.

My understanding was that project admins can define custom field option for their own project and that should not affect globally just like components field.

Our use-case is: We plan to use this field for 400 of our projects, with project admin in each project defining teams for his own project. If the options are not managed at project level (like components) then it is a problem.

Thanks in advance for your help Rahul

Comments (3)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    To get project specific options for a custom field of type Project Specific Select Field, after adding the custom field, you need to create one custom field context per project. (See By default a "global" context is created by JIRA. Please delete this and and one per project. This is an annoying thing to do for 400 projects, but it is a one-time effort.

    By the way, is there any chance that you update to version 2.4.1 of the plugin, because it contains major refactoring of the user interface and new features?

    Hope this helps, Holger

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