Custom Field applicable contexts for schemes lost. Unable to reconfigure and select appropiate projects (options don't show)

Issue #45 invalid
Federico De Malmayne Duppa created an issue


We encountered today with an issue regarding one of our custom fields, they stopped showing the options when creating/editing issues

When I look at the Configuration of the custom field, under "Applicable contexts for scheme" I see the following:

Applicable contexts for scheme: Edit Configuration Not configured for any context

If I click on "Edit Configuration" I cannot choose the projects (they just don't show up as an option)

Can we get your help on this? This is a critical issue, we need those fields to work with :(

Comments (5)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Of what type is this custom field? Can you provide a screenshot from the list of custom field? Thank you in advance!

  2. Federico De Malmayne Duppa reporter

    User error.

    I installed Atlassian's "jira clone project" plugin, and cloning one project caused the applicable contexts configurations to get scrambled. Unavailable options were unavailable because they were used for other schemes and not the intended ones.

    In the end I had to reset all the applicable contexts and reconfigure them one by one (good naming convention made it easier)

    I don't think this is a Project Specific Select Field bug, but rather a bad interaction between an unsupported plugin (jira clone project) and a custom field which didn't get handled properly.

    I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, I appreciate the support and I apologize for not giving an update earlier.

  3. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Thanks for the update. I guess that plugin does not support new custom field types when cloning and just the standard ones. Maybe you can raise a question in Atlassian Answers (with the tag of the plugin) to try to get support.

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