Special characters make it unable to disable values in simple project specific selection field

Issue #46 resolved
NGATDev created an issue


We have project specific selection field(simple) created for one of our projects. The project admin add some value having / and ; in side. When he wanted to disable the value, there is an error of cannot fined the value. As we cannot edit values in simple field, we don't know how to fix it now.

Also tried your rest api, it is now working for me. Can you put more detailed info for how to user rest api, eg. should I use "GET" or "POST" for a certain api.

Here is the error I get from trying to disable one of the values: /rest/projectspecificselectfield/1.0/customfield/NG/customfield_13101/6.%20Will%20not%20be%20fixed%20in%20current%20release;%20to%20be%20discussed%20with%20Business%20counterparts [plugin.projectspecificselectfield.rest.CustomFieldsManagerRest] Option ID '6. Will not be fixed in current release' not found for custom field customfield_13101 for project NG

The whole text of this value is

6. Will not be fixed in current release; to be discussed with Business counterparts

Comments (6)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Many thank's for reporting!

    Looks like a bug in encoding of the option parameter. Semicolon is a special character and therefor needs to be encoded to %3B. Need to check, why this is not happening by default. Also dash is having problems.

    Best regards, Holger

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