How to remove or edit value in project specific field in a project

Issue #59 resolved
Former user created an issue

I would like to clean some values or edit in project specific custom fields. Please advice.

For example I would like to remove some value in picture below How can I do that ?

Root Cause Category.png

Regards, phattaraphorn.

Comments (13)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    You still issues which are assigned to this disabled options. If you edit these issues to no longer use this option, then the disabled option (with 0 issues assigned) automatically gets deleted in the background.

    Hope this solves your request Holger

  2. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    I just add value in custom field "Environment" and there is no issue assigned to this field. I'm still can't delete or edit disable value. Please advice.



    Regards, Phattaraphorn.

  3. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Sorry, this delete thing is more a hidden feature. If you could go to the Project Specific tab with the issue statistics (bar charts), then when loading the page, unused disabled option values are removed in the background. If you then go back to the admin sections for Project Specific, then it is removed there as well.

    Does that work on your side? Can you confirm?

    Bildschirmfoto 2017-03-08 um 21.31.59.png

  4. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Thank you for your answer. Yes I work from my side I can delete.

    And for about How to edit option I want to edit from "test2" to "Test 2"

    Could you please advice ?


  5. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Hi Holger,

    May I know update on my question above about How to edit option ?

    And I have a quick question for disable option I can't disabled it. it takes a lot of time and never disable. Please advice.


    Regards, Phattaraphorn.

  6. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Regarding edit, there are three different types of custom fields provided by Project Specific Select Field. You are currently using "Project Specific Select Field (simple)", which does not allow edit. As a work around, you can add a new value, assign all issues to this new value and remove the old one. Or you use "Project Specific Select Field", which allows edit and also ordering. But for "Project Specific Select Field" your JIRA admin has to create a so called Context per project. See documentation for more details.

  7. Maria do Carmo Ruggeri Pucci

    Hi Team, I raised this ticket to Phattaraphorn Suanses, and to delete any item in Project Specific the item have to be disabled, and I cannot do that with this 3 contents. I don't know the reason, but only these 3 I'm having trouble to disable.

    Can you please tell me how to disable? I don't have any data linked with this options:

    2017-04-18 17_00_35-OSGT - SSDF JIRA DTC.png

    Please, help me to disable or delete these values.

    Thanks. Maria.

  8. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    This issue is related to the special character in the value. You need to update to a newer version of the plugin for a bugfix. See #60 for details.

    Best regards Holger

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