Project Specific Select Field license expiration question

Issue #61 resolved
Phil Barker created an issue

Hi There,

Our Project Specific Select Field license will be expiring in a couple of months. If the expiration date passes while we are in the process of renewing the license, will the plugin still work or will it be disabled? Please advise ASAP.

Thanks, Phil Barker

Comments (2)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Dear Phil!

    Like for JIRA you have purchased a perpetual license for the plugin. You can use it forever and only if you want to update to newer versions of JIRA or the plugin or want to get support, you need to have valid maintenance license. See here for details

    If you are in the process of updating to new version of JIRA or the plugin and you reach your maintenance end date, feel free to use a trial license while waiting for ordering process, which you can easily get via Atlassian Marketplace or My Atlassian.

    Hope this answers your question.

    Best regards Holger

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