Key to extend evaluation

Issue #71 resolved
Tony Camacho created an issue


We are in the process of purchasing the plugin BUT our key is about to expire and we need to not have this die in the mean time......

And it is telling us that we cannot get another key.

Comments (10)

  1. Tony Camacho reporter

    Did not, it tells us we have extended evaluation beyond our number of tries, which I believe is two, unfortunately my company does not move that fast. We are close to getting this purchased but I want to be sure it does not go dead in production before we get this done. I need one more key.

  2. Holger Schimanski repo owner
    • changed status to open

    I can see 6 evaluations. Sorry, was not aware that there is a limit. You evaluation period ends 2018-10-12, is that right?

    I don‘t see a way for me as vendor e.g. a button to extend. I will check with Atlassian Marketplace how to further extend.

  3. Tony Camacho reporter

    Just for you to know, it is actually 3 times (2 different servers -- uat and prod) and effectively twice (I didnt see change in date so like a idiot I did it again).

    Sent with BlackBerry Work (

  4. Tony Camacho reporter

    Were still need a key – our process is insane

    Tony Camacho, CSM Lead System Analyst, Client Services Technology TIAA I Financial Services 8825 Andrew Carnegie Blvd│ Charlotte, NC 28262 Office: 704-706-9517 Mobile: 704-749-4090

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