Not able to filter issues based on project specific fields

Issue #83 resolved
Sai Praveen Aminigadda created an issue


We are using the project-specific fields plugin and it’s fields. Today we have noticed a weird behavior from the fields. That is we are not able to filter issues based on those fields.

Can you please help us to understand the behaviors of Project-specific fields.

please check the attached screenshots for reference.

Comments (8)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Thanks for getting in contact! What version of Jira and version of Project Specific Field addon are you using? What custom field type are these fields? Is the issue statistics tab working and can you use the links from there to get the list of issues?

  2. Sai Praveen Aminigadda reporter


    we are using a 2.7.0 version and we are using single-user picker drop-down and a labels field. we are able to use the field but we are not able to filter them with correct results PFA screenshot.

  3. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    What custom field type are these Project Specific Select fields? Please navigate to http://your-jira-url/secure/admin/ViewCustomFields.jspa

  4. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    @Sai Praveen Aminigadda Can you provide more details (see above)? Would like to help here, but currently not able reproduce the problem due to unclarity of the configuration of the custom fields.

  5. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Is this issue solved? Can you provide more details? Otherwise I will close this issue, because this should work as expected. See also two screenshots using the Jira search with a Project Specific Select Field.

  6. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Closing this ticket because no further communication for a longer time.

    Best regards Holger

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