Enhanced bulk change for project-specific fields

Issue #85 new
Matthias Krauss created an issue

Hi @Holger Schimanski ,

your add-on is in heavy use on our > 40k users Jira platform. We are using it for various purposes, and there can be a high amount of both options and issue carrying various options.

For some of our use cases, it would be extremely helpful if the bulk change options included

  • Add to existing (top prio)
  • Clear field
  • Replace all with
  • Find and remove these

= the same options as for components and labels within Jira standard functionality.

Hence this enhancement request :-). Thankful for any feedback!

BR matthias

Comments (5)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    This looks like special behaviour for labels, components and versions. Standard multi or single select fields and therefore Project Specific Select Fields don’t have out of the box support for this feature. If there is an option to do that, maybe there is an option to implement that for Project Specific Select Fields as well.

    Looks like a know limitation JRASERVER-41523 (currently 109 votes, currently in overall ranking order by votes on position 257, so not really gaining any attention, opened in 2015 when after this feature was introduced for versions, labels and components).

    Could you talk to Jira support if there is an option to enable this for standard multi or single select fields?

  2. Matthias Krauss reporter

    Hi Holger,

    thanks for your feedback. I have opened a support ticket to inquire if there are any options other than JRASERVER-41523… although I doubt it. For a self-developed add-on we are just adding these options for a custom field. Once finished we might be able to share more information on our own implementation.

    BR matthias

  3. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    From what I know about custom field plugin API I would not know how to do it and would need to go into reverse engineering. Would be great if you could share some of your code or links to documentation.

  4. Matthias Krauss reporter

    Hi Holger,

    this is the reply from Atlassian PS (excerpt):

    I understand you are looking to enable bulk change options for labels, components and version-types of custom fields (like "Add to existing"), as these options are currently enabled only for System fields.

    We took a look at possible options and I'm afraid there is not any other way to enable those additional "Bulk Edit" actions for custom fields of type you mentioned. However, we have also found the following add-on that enables you additional bulk options for Label-type fields: Bulk Operation Enhancer for Jira. You can trial the add-on and see whether it fits your needs.
    In case the add-on functionalities for custom field types Version, the add-on does not provide these functions for this type of fields. But, you can always define a custom field with type Label and designate it for versions instead.

    We have also linked this support case to the feature request and marked it, in order to raise awareness of this feature for developers.

    I’ll also check back with our devs to see how things proceed with our own implementation…

    Best matthias

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