Piechart in Dashboard seems not support project specific select field

Issue #87 resolved
Wu Hao created an issue


Please refer to the attached video and pictures.

Hugo Wu

Comments (7)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Hello! Thanks for reporting this issue. Could you please specify which version of Jira and which version of the plugin are you using? Could you also specify which custom field type this custom field is?

  2. Wu Hao reporter

    Hello Holger,

    Thank you for your help.

    Jira: 8.5.3 Data Center

    Project Specific Select Field: 3.0.0

    Custom field type: Project Specific Multi Select Field

    Hugo Wu

  3. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Thanks for providing the details.

    I guess „b“ and the other „b“ are from different projects? Then this is intended and standard Jira behavior. But I will double check this in the next days.

    If you want to use them as „one value“, you could create a custom field context and assign both of the projects to it.

    Then this is a shared list of option values, changes by one project admin is reflected also in the other project and „b“ is then the same. Hope this helps.

  4. Wu Hao reporter

    Hello Holger,

    Thank you for your response.

    Yes, they are from different projects.

    Is it possible to combine 2 “b” in to 1 “b” in future?

    Hugo Wu

  5. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    This is just how options in different custom field contexts work. They are separate instances even if they have same label. Hence they are not summed in the pie chart vis.

    Closing this ticket because of no further communication. Guess all is sorted out.

    Best regards

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