Facing issue while executing custom field context create API concurrently

Issue #90 resolved
Vishal Kharde created an issue

Hi Team,

We have been using the project specific select field since long, and it has been very useful for us.
We have a requirement to create a Jira project and add 35-40 project specific custom field context to it programmatically. We are using below API to handle this,

API Details:
POST /rest/projectspecificselectfield/1.0/context/{customfield_xxxxxx}
Request Payload:

{"name": "Context created for XYZ project","associatedprojets": ["XYZ"]}

Issue Description:

As we want to create custom field context for 35-40 fields, we have been trying to execute above API for each field in a concurrent way. But out of all the API requests, only 9-10 get executed successfully, and other API requests are not processed, also we dont receive any response from the API requests. It stays stuck infinitely then. Sometimes we get 500 Status code error in the response. This was actually working for us 1-2 month before, but now its not working as expected. We have not done any changes to plugin version, etc.

Can you please check this issue, let us know if it can be fixed or any workarounds. Could it be a data issue(We have around 270+ context already added for each of the 35-40 custom fields.)?

Jira DC Version: 8.13.0

Plugin Version: 3.0.1



Comments (10)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Hello Vishal,

    thanks for getting in contact. Concurrent means you are calling the API in parallel or do you wait until one call is done until you start the next?

    And do you have a test system where you can reproduce the issue?

    Best regards


  2. Vishal Kharde reporter

    Hi Holger, Thanks for the response.

    Yes, We are calling the API parallely. We also have a test server where this issue can be reproduced.

    We also tried with sequential execution yesterday, and the api calls fail for some custom field as well intermittently.

    Recently SAML was enabled on our Jira DC. Not sure if it related to this issue.

  3. Vishal Kharde reporter

    Also would like to check whether setting context for a custom field possible using Scriptrunner code (Jira Listener) ?

    Jira mostly has issues with concurrent stuff. It would have been better if api’s for context creation and Dropdown value addition had a ‘Bulk’ update option so that too many API calls can be avoided.

  4. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    I thought about a bulk creation possibility via admin user interface, but decided to stay with creating one context at a time would be sufficient for most cases. See here for a screenshot which is from the official documentation.

    Have you tried in the sequential execution to add some time gap between creating the different contexts maybe?

  5. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Closing this ticket because of no further communication. Guess all is sorted out.

    Best regards, Holger

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