Support for titleColor and titleBGColor option for code blocks

Issue #54 resolved
Jake Tobak created an issue

Changing the color of the title in the code box (which is possible in standard JIRA code macro) does not work when I have this plugin enabled. Disabling the plugin returns the functionality. There are probably other options that don't work with this, but titleBGColor was the first I found.

{code:title=test|titleBGColor=#ddccee} test

Comments (11)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Can you explain, why this is important for you? What is your user story for setting this color?

    Best regards, Holger

  2. Jake Tobak reporter

    I wanted to explain in a ticket how to test for Shellshock and I wanted each of the different possible outputs of the command to be listed below in separate blocks with the vulnerable ones having a red title background and the patched output to have a green title background.

  3. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Thanks for sharing this story! I am planning to create another release later this year. This is a good candidate to get implemented.

    Cheers, Holger

  4. Holger Schimanski repo owner
    • changed status to open

    Basic implementation is done, but needs some parameter validation to avoid cross side scripting attacks...

  5. Jake Tobak reporter

    @hski, titleColor would be wonderful if it's not too much trouble. Thank you so much for getting to this! :D

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