Gherkin code highlighting should not be case sensitive

Issue #57 resolved
Adolfo Guzman created an issue


Our developers are using the JIRA Syntax Highlighter plugin which used to high light their Gherkin code but after the latest update to 2.1.1 the syntax is no longer highlighted.

We have reinstalled and made sure all configurations are set correctly but doesn't seem to highlight the code.

Please help.



Comments (9)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Can you please add an example incl. surrounding {code} tag and attach also a screenshot, so that I can reproduce the problem?

    Cheers, Holger

  2. Adolfo Guzman reporter

    Absolutely, thank you for looking into this.

    Here’s a sample code block: {code:gherkin} GIVEN a user is viewing an ILP WHEN section views are available THEN render the ILP with a primary reserve AND render resale offeres AND display placeholder images for all section views AND display the primary serve section view image in an 'expanded state' AND the resale section view images in a 'collapsed state'

    Hopefully that helps.

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