Syntax Highlighter Plugin - noformat adding blnak lines

Issue #60 invalid
William Gunkel created an issue


As seen when editing comment

{noformat} some line 1 some line 2 some line 3

See attachment for view Issue View of the 'noformat' command I reloaded the plugin and now not seeing the issue

{noformat:linenumbers} line 1 line 2 line 3 line 4

Comments (8)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    I have problems to reproduce your problem. Can you provide information about your JIRA version and your brower? Can you check with different browsers?

  2. William Gunkel reporter

    I have tried with IE, FireFox and Chrome

    Jira v6.3.10

    I downgraded the plug in to 2.1.2

    Text used to test {noformat} some line 1 some line 2 some line 3

    I will add attachment showing issue loaded and then refresh of issue I reloaded the plugin and now not seeing the issue

    {noformat:linenumbers} line 1 line 2 line 3 line 4 {noformat} - What is still see is when I first load issue with the noformat macro shows extra line break. When I refresh the page then noformat macro works as expected

  3. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    I am confused. You "downgraded" to plugin to 2.1.2? You mean "upgraded"? You installed 2.1.2 and then the problem is there? 2.1.2 is most recent version. What version did you use before? What browser versions are you working with?

    Can you provide step-by-step instructions how to reproduce the problem?

  4. William Gunkel reporter

    Sorry for the confusion - I thought I had downgraded to version 1.9.0 which was the last working version I had.

    I just confirmed this time that I have downgraded to 1.9.0 which works as expected. No need to reload the screen to get the noformat macro to work like 2.1.2

    I had a thought that I could setup a WebEx for you to review the issue on my Jira Sandbox instance but I just checked and my Jira Sandbox instance is OK. No issue with the 2.1.2 plugin. Which means something in my Jira Production instance is causing problem with the plugin. The odd thing is other then physical server the Sandbox and Production instances are clones of each other.

    All that said clear this is a corner case and I am OK with using 1.9.0. So ok to mark this one cannot reproduce (as QA engineering I always hated that when developer could not "reproduce"

    Thanks for the response on the issue - if I am able to get issue to be reproduced in my Jira Sandbox I can reopen the issue

  5. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Okay, I will close the issue for now. As an idea, this issue could be related to CSS changes you might have done on your JIRA instance or which came through another plugin. I guess, there are no extra linefeeds added but extra margin for this HTML elements.

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