XML Comments not highlighted

Issue #61 resolved
Jeff Taylor created an issue

XML comments within <!-- --> tags are displayed in black text, while URLs appear to be identified as comments and given the green text style.

I am not a Java developer, but looked through the code and think it is simply a problem with the xmlComments pattern. Here is the code I jumped through:

Brush Code

Line 42 in the above file looks to set the rule for finding comments -

_regExpRuleList.add(new RegExpRule(RegExpRule.xmlComments, "comments")); // <!-- ... -->

I went from that line to find the code defining RegExpRule.xmlComments and found it in this file: RegExp Code

Line 65 of this file does not look like an expression that would find XML comments -

public static final Pattern xmlComments = Pattern.compile("\\w+:\\/\\/[\\w-.\\/?%&=:@;]*");

Comments (9)

  1. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    Thanks for reporting this bug! And great catch for root cause of this bug. The original code from 3.0.9 JavaScript SyntaxHighlighter is

            xmlComments                 : XRegExp('(&lt;|<)!--.*?--(&gt;|>)', 'gs'),

    Not sure about (<|<), if this is really needed here. But I will check. Can you provide a sample XML, which I can use a test case?

  2. Jeff Taylor reporter

    This block has several examples:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
    <!-- comments -->
          <childNode attribute = "value" namespace:attribute='value' attribute=/>
          <childNode />
          <childNode />
          <childNode />
                  this is some CDATA content
                  <!-- comments inside cdata -->
                  <b alert='false'>tags inside cdata</b>
              value = "plain string outside"
              hello = world
      -- Multiline comments <b>tag</b>
        <!-- PR.24.49 Price type code = Testing inc tax -->
        <!-- PR.24.50 Price type qualifier = Home or Away-->
        <!-- PR.24.50 Price type description = Inside or Outside-->
        <j262>List price for testing in country</j262>
        <!-- PR.24.63 testing price -->
        <!-- PR.24.64 Currency code -->
        <!-- PR.24.65 Country code -->
  3. Jeff Taylor reporter

    Correct. If you inspect the elements on the page with the example, you will see the class is set to "c" for the elements which are identified as comments.

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