Add support for Puppet DSL syntax highlighting

#7 · Created  · Last updated

Merged pull request

Merged in ahpook/syntaxplugin-public/puppet_highlighting (pull request #7)

5751122·Author: ·Closed by: ·2014-08-15


Hope this is a good start for adding support for Puppet code. Here is a code snippet which exercises each of the syntax matches:

class foo::bar { # 'class' is a keyword # single line comment /* This one tests a multi-line C-style winged comment */ file { "/etc/passwd": # 'file' should be a keyword, label is double-quoted string ensure => present, # 'present' is in 'builtins' owner => 'root', # a single-quoted string mode => $mode, # should trigger 'variable' highlight group => ${foo::params::group}, # should also trigger 'variable' content => "This content includes ${foo::params::interpolation}" } }

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