Allow version management via REST API

Issue #2 resolved
Jason created an issue

I've been testing out versionmanager but as far as I can see the permissions it grants currently aren't reflected by the rest api.

e.g. sending a post to https://jiraserver/api/2/version with json data for the new version gets back a result of

{"errorMessages":["Project with key 'TESTKEY' either does not exist or you do not have permission to create versions in it."],"errors":{}}

(the rest api call works if the user is in the Administrators role for the project but not if they just have the 'Manage Version' permission applying to them and can successfully edit versions via the gui)

Unfortunately a lot of the interaction at the company I'm at is scripted via the rest api so unless the additional permissions are reflected by the rest api versionmanager isn't so useful to

Comments (8)

  1. Jason reporter

    Thanks for the clarification, will let our developers know about the alternative api the add-on provides. It's a bit unfortunate it's a different api path though since that will require all our code to be refactored if we are to use it and given limited developer time I'm not sure when they will be done so we can test against the versionmanager api.

  2. Holger Schimanski repo owner

    REST API is available and can be used. Missing piece here is only to provide better documentation of the API.

  3. Will Freeman Account Deactivated

    @hski having a difficult time implementing the API, can you point us to that documentation?

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